Everyone wants a home they love, where they feel comfort and warmth. Yet many of us have a home we rarely enjoy because it’s too messy, cluttered, or hard to live in. “6 Happy Tips for Home” is a guide to creating the home you love, and easily maintaining it. Through my personal experience, psychology research, and scientific experiments, you will learn how to create a space you love enough to make it your sanctuary.

1. Be Grateful On What You Have
Home centers us. It’s our haven, our comfort zone, where we go when we need to feel at home. It’s where we relax and recharge for the day after a hectic day on the road. Our homes are where we bring our best selves out. They are our family rooms, dining rooms, office spaces, and bedrooms. They house our most treasured possessions; family photos, mementos of vacations and moments, works of art, and rare pieces of furniture that tell stories about who we are.
2. Make Your Home Tidy and Organized
Improving your home is a great way to make yourself happier and more content. Learn the basics of cleaning and organizing before going too far. Before you know it, you will have more energy, be more productive, and be more relaxed in your home. You will also see results faster because you won’t have time to do it yourself. That simple little habit will add years to your life.
3. Bring Happy Plants Indoor
Plants are happy people. They like to keep busy, and will often greet you at the door seeking attention. If you plant a plant in your living room, you will have received a visit from an attractive flower that will make you smile. Your plant will be happy, too. It is an expression of our emotions. When we feel good, we are inclined to do good things for others. So when you see someone genuinely happy in their garden, consider how it makes you feel. Try these simple Happiness Tips for Home to help spread the joy around.
4. Be Inspired On Personal Touches
Give your walls, cabinets, and doors a fresh coat of paint. Paint them with calming hues or cheerful colors. Add uplifting quotes that motivate you during hard times or make you feel happy each day. Add pictures of your loved ones as well, so you’ll feel connected to them always. Add a little happiness to your home one step at a time.
5. Invest In New Home Decor and Accessories.
If you’re setting out to decorate your house, don’t spend a lot of money on decor items. It doesn’t have to be expensive to look great. You can paint or refurbish furniture if you don’t want to buy new pieces. White walls are a cheap alternative for pale, delicate colors that give the room a fresh look. Cute curtains and pillows are fairly inexpensive and can make all the difference in the world.
6. Create a Beautiful Ambiance
Let the gentle melody of the music bring tranquility to your mind. Gaze into the flickering candlelight to let it wash away all of your troubles. Let these two bring beautiful scenes to your imagination and happy thoughts.
Finding happiness in your home isn’t just about having a great view or having a layout that makes you happy. It’s also about understanding your value and how much it means to you to live here. Before you buy your next house, ask yourself: If I had to do it all over again, would I do anything differently? What would be important to me as a new owner would be different than what was important when I bought it. Take a look around and see what the current state of the home and surroundings are. Are there any problems? The home is the foundation on which your life is built, so it should feel good to look around and see how nice it is. Home is where the heart is and where the soul is. Your home should be filled with gratitude, creativity, love, and light.